Perkins&Will's Boston studio is anchored in our ability to unite context with transformative design. We endeavor to create enduring environments that are innovative, sustainable, and flexible while honoring the cultural and physical context of our communities, campuses, and cities.
For our Higher Education clients, this means creating new student centers, residence halls, athletic facilities, and learning environments that establish an identity for the school and a hub of interaction for its students and faculty.
Science and Technology clients rely on us to program, plan, and design new research environments that break down barriers, facilitate cross-discipline collaboration, and renovate historically significant buildings to accommodate highly flexible and cutting-edge research laboratories.
Our Healthcare clients require facilities that unite operational efficiency, clinical research and diagnostic technology, and holistic design for hospitals and clinics that truly promote healing.
And the Corporate / Commercial / Civic clients need spaces that promote collaboration and growth, flexibility and adaptability while celebrating achievement and strengthening their brand.
Our ability to respond to these varying needs has earned us a reputation for our design ingenuity, our technical expertise, and our unswerving commitment to our clients.
Office Floor Plan
Associate Principals
Abby Gillespie, Marketing Director
Brad Rogers, Sr Strategist
Emily Grandstaff-Rice, Sr Project Manager
Jeff Keilman, Sr Project Manager
Jennifer Williams, Sr Project Manager
Jim Levin, Director of Process Arch.
Steve Webster, Sr Project Architect
YANEL DE ANGEL, Managing Director
Andrew Grote, Director of Operations
Brooke Trivas, K-12 Managing Principal
David Damon, HE Managing Principal
Derek Johnson, CC Managing Principal
Gautam Sundaram, UD Managing Principal
Jeannine Campbell, Interior Design Director
Jeff Zynda, S+T Managing Principal
Matt Pierce, Design Principal
Patrick Cunningham, Design Principal
Ron Gorham, HC Managing Principal
Stephen Sefton, SRE Design Principal